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Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
Консалтинговые услуги


NIDO-Russia is a Chapter of the Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation Europe (NIDOE). NIDOE is the European arm of a global network of Nigerians in Diaspora, with Headquarters in London. Other continental arms of the global Nigerians in Diaspora are in the Americas (NIDO-Americas), Asia (NIDO-Asia) and Africa (NIDO-Africa).

NIDOE-Russia, as chapter of the NIDO Europe is established as a forum for Nigerian professionals residing in Russia to participate in the development of Nigeria. Serving as a platform for Nigerians to network, NIDOE-Russia is committed to tapping into the knowledge and skills of Nigerians in both countries in concert with other Nigerians in the Diaspora for the development of Nigeria.

Since May 2007, when a new impulse was given to the physical establishment of NIDO-Russia, the Organisation has resolved to continue to strive to greater heights.

The Government of Nigeria (at both the Federal and states level) recognizes the organization as the official platform through which individual Nigerian Diaspora, their community organizations, and corporate bodies can channel their developmental efforts to Nigeria. In this sense, the organization partners with Nigerian community / professional organizations as well as public and private businesses in focused areas such as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), professional networking, stakeholder advocacy, medical missions from qualified partners support, technological and IT skills transfer to Nigeria.

The core vision of Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation is to develop effective, unified platform for Nigerians abroad to harness their talents, expertise and resources for Nigeria national development and nation building.
Aims, Objectives & Membership Benefits:
  • To encourage partnership amongst Nigerians living in Russia and elsewhere in Europe, with host country public and private sector on economic, democratic and cultural issues in Nigeria.
  • To serve as technical advisers and partners to the Nigerian government and other corporate bodies on specific matters of business, social, economic and cultural initiatives in the interest of Nigerians and Nigeria.
  • To in collaboration with the diverse Nigerian organisations promote the spirit of patriotism amongst Nigerians living in Russia and encourage their participation in the affairs of Nigeria
  • To assist in promoting and enhancing a good image for Nigeria in the international arena.
  • To create a database of Nigerian professionals in Russia, whose background, experience and contact could help facilitate the development of Nigeria
  • To coordinate the active participation of Nigerians resident in Russia in the annual Nigerian Diaspora Day/Science and Technology Conference  in Nigeria
  • To facilitate the investment plans of Nigerians in Russia, who wish to invest in the Nigerian economy; and also facilitate Nigerian professionals in Russia, who wish to take up positions in Nigerian Public or Private sector
  •  To encourage and facilitate Nigerian professionals and any other humanitarian organisations in Russia to undertake free voluntary service in Nigeria.
Membership:  To become member click on “Become a member” page for details.
NIDO-Russia is currently being managed by an Administration, which takes care of the day-to-day business of the organisation. Following the results of the election which took place at the Annual General Meeting of NIDO Russia on the 26th of December 2020,

Secretariat/PR Admin - Email

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